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Sk Construction , United Kingdom

Category: Local business

Address details

9a Upper Church Lane

Tipton, United Kingdom
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Business hours

7 am–7 pm

7 am–7 pm

7 am–7 pm

7 am–7 pm

7 am–7 pm

7 am–7 pm

7 am–7 pm


"Are you looking for the Best Construction Company in Summer Hill? Then visit us at Sk Construction. Sk Construction, based in the heart of Summer Hill, is your premier choice for top-quality construction services. As a leading construction company, we specialise in bringing your building dreams to life.

With a wealth of experience and a dedication to quality, we offer a wide range of construction services, from new builds to renovations and everything in between.

Our team of skilled builders and tradespeople are experts in their respective fields. They're committed to delivering projects that exceed your expectations.

Choose Sk Construction as your trusted partner for all your building needs. We're here to transform your construction ideas into reality. Contact us today and let's get started on your project! Visit us for more information. "


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Contact details

Sk Construction

Address: 9a Upper Church Lane,
Phone: +447729818669