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Ian King Hypnotherapy, Ireland

Category: Local business

Address details

Castle St

Dalkey, Ireland
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Open 24 hours


Are you looking for the Best Hypnotherapy in Dalkey? Then visit us at Ian King Hypnotherapy. I use guided imagery to guide you into a relaxed state. We then help you reprogram your subconscious programming—a sort of reset. Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined, and we use this to reset it. Trauma that is imagined or has really happened is still traumatic. Using regression and other modalities, we don’t relive the experience but remove the emotions involved, thus removing or turning it into a distant, unemotional memory.We specialise in using hypnotherapy to deal with quitting smoking, anxiety, stress reduction, willpower enhancement, depression, and more.Please visit the website for more information or get in touch. Visit us for more information.


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Contact details

Ian King Hypnotherapy

Address: Castle St,
Phone: +353892106690