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Dr. Philip Solomon - Solomon Facial Plastic (Toronto Office), Canada

Category: Plastic surgeon

Address details

305 Davenport Road Toronto ON M5R 1K5 Canada

Toronto, Canada
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Phone & WWW

(416) 864-6100

Business hours

Monday - 09:00-17:00
Tuesday -09:00-17:00
Wednwsday - 09:00-17:00
Thursday - 09:00-17:00
Friday - 09:00-17:00
Saturday -09:00-17:00


Dr. Philip Solomon is highly specialized and has exclusively focused his practice on facial procedures. He and his team and have the expertise and the experience to give you the best possible result.

Dr Solomon and the Solomon Facial Plastic team are committed to providing you with outstanding care and will graciously guide you through your journey from the early stages of your consultation right through to the latter stages of your recovery process.


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Contact details

Dr. Philip Solomon - Solomon Facial Plastic (Toronto Office)

Address: 305 Davenport Road Toronto ON M5R 1K5 Canada
Phone: (416) 864-6100