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Green Drop Lawns, Canada

Category: Local business

Address details

1230 Meridian Road NE
T2A 2N9

Calgary, Canada
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Business hours

Monday to Friday - 8:00 am to 4:30 pm


Green Drop Lawns is a premier landscaping company dedicated to providing top-notch tree care and lawn care services. With a commitment to environmental sustainability and customer satisfaction, we have become a trusted name in the industry.

At Green Drop Lawns, we understand the importance of maintaining healthy trees and lush lawns. Our team of experienced arborists and lawn care specialists are passionate about enhancing the beauty and vitality of outdoor spaces. Whether it's pruning, trimming, or tree removal, we ensure that each task is carried out with precision and care, promoting the long-term health of your trees.

In addition to tree care services, we offer comprehensive lawn care solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your landscape. From fertilization and weed control to aeration and overseeding, we employ cutting-edge techniques and eco-friendly products to promote a vibrant and thriving lawn.


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Contact details

Green Drop Lawns

Address: 1230 Meridian Road NE, Calgary, Alberta, T2A 2N9
Phone: 1-877-647-3366