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Sutherland Pawn Shop, New South Wales

Category: Pawn shop

Address details

6 Boyle St
Sutherland NSW 2232

Sutherland , New South Wales
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Business hours

Monday, 9 am–4 pm
Tuesday, 9 am–4 pm
Wednesday, 9 am–4 pm
Thursday, 9 am–4 pm
Friday, 9 am–4 pm
Saturday, 9 am–1 pm
Sunday, Closed


Sutherland Pawn Shop is the Best Pawn shop in Miranda. Sutherland Pawn Shop, is the largest and longest-running pawnshop in the Shire. We give you cash for almost anything of value, gold, silver, and jewellery like any pawnbroker, but also other items that other pawn shops won't. We deal with many second hand goods and can also offer pawnbroking loans. If you think you have something of value, and want some cash, come on in and we will appraise your item for free. So, for more information must contact us.


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Contact details

Sutherland Pawn Shop

Address: 6 Boyle St, Sutherland NSW 2232, Australia
Phone: +61295450405