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Kozo (Optics) Lucky Plaza, Singapore

Category: Optician

Address details

304 Orchard Rd
B1-105 Lucky Plaza
Singapore 238863

Lucky Plaza, Singapore
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Business hours

Monday, 10:30 am–8 pm
Tuesday, 10:30 am–8 pm
Wednesday, 10:30 am–8 pm
Thursday, 10:30 am–8 pm
Friday, 10:30 am–8 pm
Saturday, 10:30 am–8 pm
Sunday, 10:30 am–8 pm


Kozo (Optics) Lucky Plaza is the Best Optometrists in River Valley. We aim to keep pricing simple and transparent for our consumers for most if not all of our products with our different packages that include frames and lenses to suit your different needs and styles. For customers who are too busy to visit our stores in person due to their hectic schedules, fret not, we have alternatives for you in the form of our online store where you can get your glasses in the comfort of your home, office, or even when you are on the move. Visit us for more info.


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Contact details

Kozo (Optics) Lucky Plaza

Address: 304 Orchard Rd, B1-105 Lucky Plaza, Singapore 238863
Phone: +6567320717