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T8 PRO Max Series 8 Smart Watch With ALWAYS ON DISPLAY, United States

Category: Local business

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office 104
1st Floor Barkat Market
Commercial Area Garden Town
Punjab 54000

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+92 334 9471888

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The T8 PRO Max Series 8 Smartwatch is a state-of-the-art wearable designed to enrich your everyday life with a variety of functions. Here is the general description:

1.99-inch bezel-free screen: The smart watch features a large and vibrant 1.99-inch bezel-free screen, which provides a spacious and immersive viewing experience when using various functions and activities

Always-on Display: The Always-on Display feature allows you to quickly check the time, notifications and other important information without waking your device, saving battery power and maintaining convenience.

Bluetooth Calls: This smartwatch allows you to make and receive calls directly from your wrist using Bluetooth connectivity. Connects to your smartphone for hands-free communication and convenience on the go.

Health and Fitness Tracking: The watch has a range of health and fitness tracking features such as heart rate tracking, step counting, sleep tracking and more. It helps you


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Contact details

T8 PRO Max Series 8 Smart Watch With ALWAYS ON DISPLAY

Address: office 104, 1st Floor Barkat Market, Commercial Area Garden Town, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan
Phone: +92 334 9471888