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The Reiki Room Whangare, New Zealand

Category: Reiki therapist

Address details

35 Rathbone Street

Whangārei, New Zealand
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Business hours

Monday-Friday- 10:00–19:00
Saturday-Sunday- Closed


Are you looking for the Best Reiki in Whangārei? Then contact us at The Reiki Room Whangarei. We, harnessing universal energy, brings profound healing to both the emotional and physical aspects of our being. By releasing personal trauma, forgiveness becomes possible, paving the way for a future filled with confidence. Experience increased empathy and reduced judgment, fostering gratitude and genuine love for yourself, family, friends, animals, and the planet. Life gains deeper meaning, as positive energy attracts more positivity. Some even describe a dreamlike state, where self-discovery and soul rejuvenation dispel fear and anxiety.


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Contact details

The Reiki Room Whangare

Address: 35 Rathbone Street,
Phone: +64273489047