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Keegan O'Malley | Tall Poppy Real Estate, New Zealand

Category: Real estate agent

Address details


Blenheim, New Zealand
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Business hours

Monday-Sunday- Open 24 hours


Are you looking for the Best Real Estate Agent in Witherlea? Then contact us at Real Estate Agent Witherlea. Over the past eight years, we have immersed ourselves in various sales and marketing roles, with the last six years dedicated to real estate. As well as being a real estate and lifestyle estate agent, we have experience in property appraisals and house valuations. Our professional philosophy is straightforward: prioritise client needs by carefully listening and assessing their requirements, ultimately crafting a tailored property plan to facilitate a smooth transition. Our clients consistently appreciate his exceptional communication skills and adeptness in marketing and negotiation, as well as his unwavering commitment to honesty and loyalty.


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Contact details

Keegan O'Malley | Tall Poppy Real Estate

Address: Witherlea
Phone: +64273169760