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Body D-Tox, Australia

Category: Wellness center

Address details

265 Plenty Rd

Preston, Australia
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Phone & WWW

+61 1300 733 549

Business hours

Monday- 9 am–5 pm
Tuesday-Thursday- 9 am–8 pm
Friday- 9 am–5 pm
Saturday- 9 am–3 pm
Sunday- Closed


Are you looking for the Best Massage Therapy in Preston? Then contact us at Body D-Tox. Our focus is on detoxification and healing, providing a haven for relaxation, emotional and physical healing, body recovery, and anti-aging. With a range of services designed to nurture your inner and outer well-being, including massages, Red Light Therapy, body contouring, and more, we aim to leave you with a smile of satisfaction after every visit. Our goal is to ensure your happiness and contentment, providing an unwavering guarantee of quality and care. Experience rejuvenation and renewal with us.


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Contact details

Body D-Tox

Address: 265 Plenty Rd
Phone: +61 1300 733 549