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JustBinCleaned, United Kingdom

Category: Pressure washing service

Address details


Basildon, United Kingdom
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Business hours

Monday- Closed
Tuesday-Friday- 8 am–5 pm
Saturday-Sunday- Closed


Are you looking for the Best Service for Wheelie Bin Cleaning in Laindon? Then contact us at JustBinCleaned. We offer the latest in bin cleaning technology with our van-mounted machine featuring a 3x filtration system. Our water system is fully recyclable, and we use a concentrated mix of hypochlorite acid to ensure we kill 99% of all known germs. We only use biodegradable products, leaving your bin clean, disinfected, sanitised, and deodorised. Our services extend beyond bin cleaning to include gutter cleaning, driveway cleaning, conservatory cleaning, pressure washing, roof cleaning, moss cleaning, patio cleaning, and fascia & soffit cleaning. Visit us for more info.


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Contact details


Address: Laindon
Phone: +447518111799