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Epilepsy Solutions, UK

Category: technology & engineering

Address details

Unit A6
Weltech Business Centre Ridgeway

Welwyn Garden City, UK
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Phone & WWW

+44 1438 821251

Business hours

Epilepsy Solutions is a trading name of Independent Living Supplies Ltd.
Independent Living Supplies has been established since August 2011, the company's aim was to provide Assistive Technology and Telecare products for those people, young and old who wished to remain independent in their homes or gain more independence through the aid of technology. As Independent Living Supplies' demand for epilepsy monitoring grew and in order to give the correct advice on monitoring equipment we gained more knowledge about the condition by completing Epilepsy Awareness Training. We have visited hundreds of individuals in their homes and care facilities and gained a real insight into the sometimes devastating effects of people living with epilepsy on a daily basis. If you have a requirement you would like assistance with then please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Welwyn Garden City


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Contact details

Epilepsy Solutions

Address: Unit A6, Weltech Business Centre Ridgeway
Phone: +44 1438 821251